Today In this post, I will be showing you a Step by Step Guide about how to install the Latest Gratis Kodi Addon on Kodi 21 Omega
Learn how to install the Gratis Kodi add-on today and enjoy all your favorite movies, shows, and much more at the click of a button. If you are looking for an easy way to watch free movies, TV shows on Kodi then look no further than Gratis.
Gratis is Kodi’s most popular third-party add-on that grants access to free movies and TV shows.
Table of Contents
How to Install Gratis Kodi Addon
How to Enable Unknown sources On Kodi 21 Omega
First of all open Kodi 21 Omega on your Firestick, Fire TV, Android, Android TV Box
Then select and click on the Settings gear icon button
Then choose System
Then click on Add-ons
Then click on “Unknown sources” and enable
Then here you will see a warning popup with a Yes and No button in your display, just click on the “Yes” button here.
How to Install Diggz Matrix Repository On Kodi 21 Omega
Then go back to Kodi home screen menu
Then select and click on the Settings gear icon again
Then select “File Manager“
Then click <None> and select the URL box
Then exactly enter the following URL and click on the OK button
Then select Name Box
Then enter the following name diggzrepo and click on the OK button
After entering the following URL and name, click on OK to save it
Then go back to Kodi home screen menu
Then click on the Settings gear icon again
Then select “Add-ons“
Then click “Install from Zip File“
Then here you will see a warning popup with a Yes and No button in your display, just click on the “Yes” button here.
Then find and select the following name diggzrepo
Then click on install _MATRIX_19_Repo > to install and wait for it to be installed. (After complete installation you will see that a notification will appear at the top right corner – this may take a few minutes depending on your internet speed)
How to Install Gratis Kodi Addon on Kodi 21 Omega
Now click on “Install from Repository“
Then select Diggz Matrix Repository
Then choose Video Add-ons
Then click on Video Add-ons and choose Gratis Addon
Now click and select on the Install button to install the Gratis addon
Then here you will see a popup with the OK and Cancel button in your display, just click on the “OK” button here.
then wait for it to install (After complete installation you will see that a notification will appear at the top right corner – this may take a few minutes depending on your internet speed)
Then go back to the Kodi home screen menu and select Video add-ons
Then select and open Gratis Kodi Addon.
So now you know about the Gratis Kodi addon, it is time for you to install and enjoy the content that this add-on brings.