How To Install Neptune Rising Kodi Addon 2022

By | July 8, 2022

This guide will show you how to install the Neptune Rising Kodi addon. I recently updated this tutorial and will do my best to ensure that you understand it. I hope you enjoyed this blog post on How to Install Neptune Rising Kodi Addon. If you answered yes after reading the article, please share it with your friends and family to show your support.

How To Install Neptune Rising Kodi Addon 2022

See How to Install Neptune Rising Kodi Addon for more information.

Addon for Kodi Neptune Rising is a movie fan’s dream because it streams movies and TV shows and has some high-quality streaming links. It is, however, strongly advised to use a Kodi-compatible VPN when streaming in order to protect your online presence and access geo-restricted streams. You can also use free Kodi VPNs to improve your security and streaming experience. Every day, there are more DMCA notices and copyright issues.

Kodi VPN is the best way to avoid notifications, ISP throttling, and unblocking Kodi addons. While using unofficial plugins such as SportsDevil, Exodus, and others, a VPN keeps your identity private and secure. The debate over whether Neptune Rising is the fork of Poseidon or Exodus rages on. Many users have claimed it is a fork of Covenant.

Because of their striking resemblance in a user interface, there is no doubt that they are a fork of these plugins. Neptune Rising’s options, on the other hand, are superior to those of its predecessors. Even the streaming links provided by this plugin are better and more numerous, which is why it has gained popularity. There is no doubt that this is the best Exodus and Poseidon fork available right now.


In some countries, the ISPs (internet service providers) will be blocking this addon by preventing or restricting access. This issue will solve by uses a VPN (Virtual Private Network). By using a good VPN, it’ll help you PROTECT YOURSELF ON THE INTERNET by stops your internet provider from being able to see what you are accessing online & stop an ISP from blocking Kodi Addons.NordVPN is a good VPN service suggested to you by many great features & is respected by the Kodi community. We offer you exclusive discounts for NordVPN.
first of all, you have to install Kodi on your amazon fire tv stick if you don’t know how to install Kodi on firestick then read this post about How to Install Kodi on Firestick after install Kodi follow these steps.

Neptune Rising Kodi Addon Installation Using the Blamo Repository

Simply follow the steps below to install the Neptune Rising Kodi addon on Kodi 17.6 Krypton via the Blamo repository.

  • Launch the Kodi app and go to settings.
  • Hover over the Add-ons menu option and turn on Unknown Sources if it’s not already on.
  • Click Back to return to the System page.
  • Now click on the File Manager option and double click on the Add Source button.
  • Type URL and then click Done.
  • Then just type the name ‘Blamo’ and click Done again and then click OK
  • Now just go back to the Kodi home screen and click on System.
  • You can see the Plugins menu, just click install from the Zip file.
  • Then simply select the Kodil repository from the list and then click on
  • Wait until the Kodi addon is downloaded.
  • Once it’s downloaded, select Install from the repository.
  • Now click on Blamo Repository.
  • Go to Video Addons and click on Neptune Rising and then click install.

Finally, here’s how to install the Neptune Rising Kodi addon.

I hope you found this article on How to Install Neptune Rising Kodi Addon useful. If you answered no, you can ask any question about this article in the contact forum section. And if you answered yes, please help us by sharing this article with your friends and family.


Legal Copyright Disclaimer: firestickzone does not verify if apps, services, or websites hold the proper licensing for media that they deliver. We do not own, operate, or re-sell any streaming site, service, app, or addon. Each person shall be solely responsible for media accessed and should only contain works not protected by copyright. Referenced applications, add-ons, services, and streaming sites are not hosted or administered by firestickzone.



Can you get Neptune Rising on Kodi?

The answer is yes, you can get Neptune Rising For Kodi. You will need to download the Kodi app on your device and then install the add-on for Neptune Rising.


Do I have to use VPN when using the Neptune Rising Kodi Addon?

  • We always recommend using a VPN like NordVPN to help keep yourself anonymous and protect yourself online when using this addon or any other addons.

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