The Great Iconic Kodi Build for Kodi 18.9 Leia may be installed with the help of Funstersplace Wizard. Devices running Windows, Android, Android box, Smart TV, Mac, iOS, and Fire TV can use this build.
Table of Contents
Iconic Kodi Build Overview:-
The Iconic Kodi Build is one of the most popular Kodi builds available. It is a great build for those who are looking for a sleek and simple Kodi setup. The build comes with all of the popular Kodi addons pre-installed, so you won’t have to worry about finding and installing them yourself. The build is also regularly updated, so you can be sure that you’re always getting the latest and greatest add-ons.
What is Kodi Build?
A Kodi Build is a modified version of the Kodi media player software that includes a set of addons and settings. Third-party developers frequently produce Kodi Builds to make it easier for consumers to get started with Kodi without having to install and configure each add-on manually. Kodi Builds can be installed on any device that supports Kodi, including Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux.
In some countries, the internet service providers (ISPs) will block this Build by preventing or restricting access. However, this problem can be solved by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network). A VPN will help you protect yourself online by stopping your internet provider from being able to see what you are accessing online and prevent an ISP from blocking Kodi Builds. NordVPN is a good VPN service that is respected by the Kodi community. It has many great features and we offer you exclusive discounts forNordVPN.
* has No affiliation with Kodi, any Addons, Repos, or Builds. is a news and informational site which does not support or condone copyright infringement. Kodi should only be used with content that is bought and owned personally or is in the public domain.
- Build Name: Iconic
- Version: 1.6
- Kodi Version 18
- Build Description: iconic Creating: Icons & Backgrounds
Step By Step Guide To Install Iconic Kodi Build
How to Enable Unknown sources On Kodi 18.9 Leia
- First of all, open Kodi 18.9 Leia on your Firestick
- Then click on the Settings gear icon
- Then choose System
- Then click on Add-ons
- Then click on “Unknown sources” and enable
- Then here you will see a warning popup with a Yes and No button in your display, just click on the “Yes” button here.
How to Install The Crew Repository On Kodi 18.9 Leia
- go to Kodi home screen menu
- Then click on the Settings gear icon again
- Then select “File Manager“
- Then click <None> and select the URL box
- Then enter the following URL and click on the OK button
- Then select Name Box
- Then enter the following name team-crew and click on the OK button
- After entering the following URL and name, click on OK to save it
- Then go back to Kodi home screen menu
- Then click on the Settings gear icon again
- Then select “Add-ons“
- Then click “Install from Zip File“
- Then here you will see a warning popup with a Yes and No button in your display, just click on the “Yes” button here.
- Then find and select the following name “team-crew“
- Then click on For installation and wait for it to be installed. (After complete installation you will see that a notification will appear at the top right corner – this may take a few minutes depending on your internet speed)
How to Install Iconic Kodi Build on Kodi 18.9 Leia
- Click on “Install from Repository“
- Then select The Crew Repo
- Then choose Program Add-ons
- Then click on Funstersplace Wizard
- Now click on the Install button to install Funstersplace Wizard
- Then here you will see a popup with the OK and Cancel button in your display, just click on the “OK” button here.
- then wait for it to install (After complete installation you will see that a notification will appear at the top right corner – this may take a few minutes depending on your internet speed)
- Then here you will see a popup with the Continue button in your display, just click on the “Continue” button here.
- Then here you will Again see a popup with Build Menu And Ignore button in your display, just click on the “Build Menu” button here. (It takes a few minutes To Load for New Screen depending on your internet speed)
- Then you Will See Lots More Builds Here, Just Click “Iconic” (It takes a few minutes To Load for New Screen depending on your internet speed)
- Now choose Install
- Then here you will see a popup with the Yes, Install And No, Cancel button in your display, just click on the “Yes, Install” button here.
- Then Wait For Few Minutes To start Downloading Content Popup For Download Iconic Build
- After Complete Downloading You will see a popup With Fresh Install And No Thanks Button Just Tap it “Fresh Install“
- Install Process Start automatically so wait for a few minutes for Installation to complete
- After Installation is Complete You Will See Force Close Kodi Popup With Ok Button here so Just Click Ok
- Now Open Kodi 18.9 Leia again on Your Amazon Fire TV Stick Device That’s it
- Iconic Kodi Build Now Install Successfully
Important: Wait around 5 minutes for the build to fully load and update. Trying to use the build straightaway will cause it to be laggy/buffer or crash while it tries to update.
You now have one of the Best Builds for Kodi 18.9 Leia installed called Iconic Build.
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